I've stumbled across a bizarre area of the internet that I wanted to share. The SCP foundation is a fictional entity which has stories told in the form of a wiki. Each page is written in the form SCP-[some number] and tells the story of some mysterious and potentially dangerous object which has been Secured, Contained and Protected for the good of humanity. They have made up histories and experiment logs which are written in the style of a professional report from an office worker.

If you are into Nightvalesque surreal horror then it really is worth checking out. Although each page is self contained, as you go deeper you start clocking the large number of in jokes and references to other objects. Here are a few of the ones that I have enjoyed this evening: 1733, 173 (creepy image warning), ●●|●●●●●|●●|● (bizzare and unique).

Sidisi + Embalmer's Tools

Sidisi + Embalmer's Tools

The Banker's Puzzle

The Banker's Puzzle